Friday, October 30, 2020

Integrity and Character in Northwest Illinois...and Does it Matter?

Tutty misses the old days when public integrity actually mattered. Before social media it was much more difficult to feed the masses misinformation.  Newspapers and broadcasters all had editors that would vet every story or column before it would see the light of day.  Editors had telephones and would themselves fact check the content brought to them purported to be truth.

In those days, when mistakes got published or someone was dishonest with the public, it would be listed as a correction in the following day's newspaper or broadcast.  More glaring snafus might even get an editorial or commentary apologizing for misleading the public on an important issue.  Although rare, reputable media outlets still do these things.

Using public discourse to intentionally mislead the public was thought to be a mortal sin.  To engage in such behavior would likely mean the loss of your editorial and personal integrity and not much is more valuable than personal and professional integrity.

In today's world pumping the public with misinformation is so commonplace "reputable" news organizations don't even bother to call out those that tell the public lies.  Even when those people are elected officials sworn to serve the residents of this Illinois.

Just look at this example from State Representative Andrew Chesney, Republican, 89th district.  Representative Chesney shared this meme about a week ago in regards to the last presidential debate.

While Representative Chesney claims you, "Just can't make this stuff up!" the sentence attributed in the meme is fabricated.  The complete sentence uttered that night was this, "Abraham Lincoln here is one of the most racist presidents we've had in modern history, he pours fuel on every single racist fire, every single one." (Italics represent content omitted from the "sentence" Representative Chesney purported to be actual).  Here is the you YouTube link complete with gestures.

A lone Republican on the Stephenson County Board called out Representative Chesney on his Facebook page for making up his accusation as did other individuals.  Former Freeport mayoral assistant, politician and newspaper owner, Eric Gubelman offered his criticism from southern Illinois.  Mr. Gubelman, despite not residing in the 89th district, received the only response Representative Chesney offered.  This is what he posted:

Not only is Representative Chesney content to let people that would trust an elected official believe a falsehood, he also implies that such dishonesty is a part of what he does to "reflect and represent the values of NW IL".

Will all those in northwest Illinois that believe feeding the public misinformation  is an appropriate "value" please raise your hand?

The representative is also the chairman of the Stephenson County Republican Central Committee.  So does the entire committee agree that fabricating and publishing something false to make someone look bad is wrong?  And if they actually do, why the complicit silence?  Should it be assumed all local members of the GOP are comfortable with an elected official that lies to the public?

What about the Republican state's attorneys in the 89th district or all the Republican sheriffs that have voiced public support for Representative Chesney, do they to believe this behavior is ethical representation for their constituencies?  Why would these sheriffs tolerate someone misleading the very people they are sworn to serve?

And last but not least, where is the media that lets this type of public chicanery on the part of an elected official go unchecked?  Where are the Rockford TV stations and the "local" newspapers?  Why sit back and watch as someone in position of authority spreads a lie?

This weekend be sure to ask your Republican friends and family members why they would support someone that is willing to lie to people they are sworn to serve.  How can you be sure such a person is not lying to you?  Does he conduct his business life with the same willingness to be dishonest as he does in his political life?

Tutty just can't stand when a someone in an alleged position of authority misleads Tutty's friends and neighbors for any reason.  Tutty waited a week to write this with the hope Representative Chesney would see the errors of his ways and delete the post, however, he and his party seem perfectly willing to let dishonesty stand, and that Tutty will not and can not sit by and let that happen.

So, integrity and character in northwest Illinois, does it matter or not?

As always, yours in honesty, Tutty Baker