Last Tuesday's consolidated election seems to have churned up some controversy here in Freeport, Illinois. An investigation has been demanded, so let's investigate by thoroughly reviewing the events as they unraveled, in chronological order, on election day and beyond.
After polls had been open just more than two hours, Stephenson County State's Attorney Carl Larson took to his Facebook page with a public statement claiming "I've received several phone calls today asking about the law in Illinois concerning electioneering." State's Attorney Larson's post went on to give his opinion on "electioneering" without citation to pertinent statutes or court precedent.
Tutty found Mr. Larson's post to be out of the norm. Most competent attorneys don't take to Facebook within hours of being brought concerns, without first exercising a modicum of effort to ensure the substance and veracity of the complaints. Secondly, who calls the Stephenson County State's Attorney first, with such concerns? Why not speak to an election judge or call the Stephenson County Clerk and Recorder? Tutty just can't believe that many concerned citizens would reach out to the State's Attorney first regarding such purported impropriety. Mr. Larson did not mention if he had reached out to the County Clerk and Recorder before intervening in the statutory duties the Clerk.
A few hours later, with more than six-hours before polls closed, 89th District State Representative and chairman of the Stephenson County Republican Central Committee, Andrew Chesney, used his Facebook page to purport that, "Local Freeport Democrats are breaking the rules (again) and appear to be unlawfully electioneering around polling places." and provided a link to State's Attorney Larson's post in an apparent effort to substantiate his claims. How, exactly, Representative Chesney knew the concerns voiced to the state's attorney originated within Freeport precincts, or who it was partaking in the questionable behavior, is at present an apparent mystery. How much communication there was between the chairman of the Stephenson County Republican party and the State's Attorney throughout election day and the exact nature of that communication is an important question for any investigator. Here is a picture of Representative Chesney's post.

Representative Chesney continued to pour it on throughout election day, stirring up his Facebook followers and others in the community. He made two more Facebook posts on Tuesday before the polls closed. Both posts alleged that a candidate for mayor was partaking in criminal activity. The state representative's posts were shared by dozens of Facebook users.
The media was also hounded by Representative Chesney to cover what he had been purporting throughout day to be "illegal" and "unlawful" behavior. To their credit the local media that did cover the state representative's allegations were much more reserved. News directors and editors like to consider the veracity of what they are being spoon fed by a partisan politicians. Representative Chesney can spout all the misinformation he wants on social media, trying to get those same lies on traditional media is much more difficult. A Journal-Standard news story on the subject did state, "Police did not receive any requests Tuesday from an election judge."
Tutty finds it rather odd that Representative Chesney could see so much wrong doing from behind his phone yet Stephenson County election judges didn't see any violations worth reporting. And it wasn't even a busy election day.
Even when election day was over and there was no dispute over winners and losers Representative Chesney refused to let go of his unfounded allegations. He recruited State Senator Brian Stewart and together they issued a joint press release. According to the document the "Legislators are calling on the public to share additional evidence as part of an investigation into election hijinks from the Freeport Consolidated General Election n Tuesday, April 6."
Representative Chesney implored, "We've heard rumors of this kind of illegal activity occurring in Chicago, but we've never had this problem here until now." Senator Stewart is credited with stating, "I join Representative Chesney in urging a full investigation into these reports and gathering evidence toward filing criminal charges against the perpetrators." Damn senator, you went from "investigation" to the "filing of criminal charges" in one sentence, not too prudent in Tutty's humble opinion. Secondly, if the legislators are alleging there was a murder, yet they have no body, not even a missing person...they really look silly. Fact; Tutty is laughing out loud.
The Stephenson County State's Attorney also offered up a Facebook post the day after the election. State's Attorney Larson dubbed it "A Deeper Dive on Electioneering" and it began like this, "We, here at Stephenson County, received many phone calls from citizens who were distressed and angered by campaigning which was occurring at or near the polling places during yesterday's election." I think the state's attorney means that these citizens were "distressed and angered by campaigning which (was purported to be) occurring at or near polling places...". Without adding the words in parenthesis the states attorney has effectively turned hearsay into authoritative fact. This is not very becoming for someone practicing a learned profession.
State's Attorney Larson went on, "As far back as we can remember this has never happened before in Stephenson County and it is fair to say that these tactics were outside of the normal custom and practice for political campaigns in Stephenson County." While Tutty doesn't know who the "we" the state's attorney includes in his post consist of, it is obvious he's not working alone. What's more, "we" do not have a very long collective memory.
Tutty doesn't think Senator Stewart will deny that he hasn't ever given rides to the polls in all his years in elective office. It's been a long tradition in Freeport for candidates in local races to pick up those without the ability to drive and take them to the polls. So if it is somehow improper to stand outside a polling place, possibly interacting with voters, why is it not improper for candidates on the ballot to drop voters off at the door?
Do we need an investigation into what happened during Freeport's consolidated election on April 6, 2021? Tutty thinks it would be a good idea. Under Illinois ethics statutes no legislator should "engage in conduct which is unbecoming of a legislator or which constitutes a breach of the public trust." Tutty believes that accusing your constituents of being criminals based upon hearsay, unverified and unsubstantiated complaints is behavior unbecoming to the offices of Representative Chesney and Senator Stewart.
As for State's Attorney Carl Larson, when the events of election day are taken as a whole, and based upon only what we know from public utterances, it would seem State's Attorney Larson has an awful strong personal interest in promulgating the narrative pushed by the Chairman of the Stephenson County Republican Central Committee. It would be interesting for an investigation to discover how much and the exact nature of the two gentlemen's communications throughout the chronological time frame contained herein.
Freeport voters deserve to know just how much hijinks went on and how much of it was perpetrated by elected officials allegedly sworn to uphold a higher standard.
As always, yours in honesty, Tutty Baker