Tutty reads meeting agendas of the local units of government and their subcommittees. If a person wants to be informed about local government, they have to, traditional media in Freeport, newspaper and radio are nothing more than a joke, designed to sell advertising and that's all, informing you what local officials are doing doesn't even come up.
Anyway, Tutty was shocked when he looked at the agenda for the Planning and Development Committee of the Stephenson County Board. On the agenda for the body's July 12, 2021 meeting under new business was "Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Freeport for Water & Sewer to Mill Race Crossing."
Excuse me, but last Tutty knew, Stephenson County did not own water lines or a sewage treatment plant.
So why is a subcommittee of the Stephenson County Board discussing the largest build out of water and sewer in Freeport's history, before the Freeport City Council has even examined the feasibility of running water and sewer into the Forrestville Valley School district Freeport City Council?
Has the city manager been negotiating this agreement behind the scenes Freeport City Council?
When are the owners of this public utility, the citizens of Freeport going to be told about these plans Freeport City Council?
How can such a massive build out begin without a bona fide feasibility study Freeport City Council?
How many lift stations will be required to pump sewage through the lowest parts of Stephenson County City Council?
How many manhole covers will be required Freeport City Council?
At the maximum, how many new water and sewer hook ups will this amount to Freeport City Council?
How will you pay for this more than $25 million project Freeport City Council?
How much will this increase our water and sewer bills so we can subsidize economic development for a neighboring school district Freeport City Council?
And Freeport City Council why haven't you answered these questions before this issue was in front of the Stephenson County Board?
Has the Freeport City Council simply deferred its position as an authoritative body over the actions of the city manager?
The City Council had better reign in this cavalier city manager and while your at doing that ask an attorney where the city manager derives the legal authority to negotiate capital improvements behind, apparently, the backs of the Freeport City Council.
As always, yours in honesty, Tutty Baker