Friday, October 21, 2022

Ethics and Business Conduct in Winnebago County

My schedule doesn't allow me to watch much television but I do manage to see a morning news show or two from Rockford broadcasters.

Recently I've noticed a political advertisement airing for Republican Esther Joy King featuring Winnebago County Sheriff, Gary Caruana,  pitching for his fellow Republican candidate in full uniform and standing in front of a county owned police vehicle.

Here is a screen grab from the commercial in question.

The Illinois Constitution of 1970 purportedly guarantees "Free and Equal" elections so units of local government in our state generally have ethics ordinances or policies against using taxpayer supported assets for purely political purposes.  Sheriff Caruana's behavior illustrates that these policies are often little more than window dressing, such is the obvious case in Winnebago County.

Winnebago County has an "Ethics and Business Conduct Policy" that is suppose to be reviewed by employees and officers and they are to "certify that they will not engage in conduct or activity that may raise questions as to the organization's honesty, impartiality or reputation or otherwise cause embarrassment for all employees of Winnebago County."

Apparently Sheriff Caruana did not read the policy very carefully in his annual certification as the Ethics and Business Conduct Policy purportedly prohibits county property from being used for political purposes.  Following is the actual language of the policy.

So I'm curious as to what "Strictly Prohibited" means to Winnebago County officials and while their Ethics and Business Conduct Policy reads well, it ends up that it has no teeth.  The Sheriff  knows he can't be punished so he just moves forward, scoffing at any public concern. 

So what good is the policy Winnebago County Board?

I did send an email to Winnebago County States Attorney J. Hanly this morning asking it to be viewed as a formal complaint,  I will file a certified complaint if need be.  Taxpayer supported property should never be showing up in political commercials or being used for clearly political purposes. 

As always, yours in honesty, John Samuel Cook, 2022

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